Ship healthier code faster with less risk.

Join 1M+ developers worldwide in shipping healthier code with code coverage from Codecov.

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development cycles are spinning faster than ever...

With everything from doorbells to rockets running on code, it's more important than ever to ensure quality code is being delivered with every release.

Code coverage is one of the most important metrics companies rely on to ship healthier code, faster, and with less risk.

Codecov gives companies actionable coverage insights when and where they need them to ensure they are shipping quality code.

How Codecov helps...

Flexible / Unified Reporting

Seamless Coverage Insights

Robust Coverage Controls

As long as your code has tests and your coverage tool can output coverage results in a compatible format, you can use Codecov.

Source Code Coverage

20+ Languages and CI/CD Agnostic

Report Merging

Coverage Isolation

Code Coverage For Any Tech Stack

Codecov provides highly integrated tools for developers and engineering leaders to gain actionable visibility into their code coverage.


Python JavaScript Ruby Java C Go PHP Scala Apex Bash C# c++ Clojure Kotin Dart Rust F# Elixir D Erlang Fortran groovy powershell Haskel Julia Lua Objective-c Perl R Swift Typescript Vala Xcode Xtend


GitHub Actions Travis CI CircleCI Bitrise GitLab CI Jenkins Bamboo AppVeyor Azure Pipelines Bitbucket Pipelines Buildkite Codefresh Shippable TeamCity CI Semaphore Wercker Buildbot


GitHub GitLab Bitbucket GitHub Enterprise GitLab CE / EE Bitbucket Server


Google Cloud Platform Amazon Web Services Microsoft Azure

Who else is covered?

Over 29K organizations and 1M+ developers trust Codecov to gain visibility into their code coverage.


Want to learn more about code coverage? View our library of resources to start building a culture of coverage at your company.

View Resources  

What should my code coverage goal be?

Learn More

2020 State of Open Source Code Coverage

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8 Factors Influencing Your Approach to Code Coverage

Learn More

Ready to get covered?

Join over a million developers in shipping healthier code today. Sign up with your code host below.